Athena Statement
Our Services
To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify.
Подготовка геометрической модели к обработке. Типы систем координат(главная, локальные). Установка системы координат. Виды заготовок. Начальные и конечные точки траектории. Траектория подхода и отхода. Геометрия безопасности.Зоны обработки. Ограничения траектории. Создание инструмента по параметрам. Выбор инструмента из библиотеки. Шаблоны и параметры траектории. Управление осью инструмента. Постпроцессирование траектории. Сборка под симуляцию. Симуляция УП.
To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify.
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.
Payments works seamlessly with any Salesforce application or data model, be it your out of the box Sales Cloud or custom application.